For some reason, you ran into a windows server 2012 on a virtual machine and do not know the administrator password or simply forgot the password and need to gain access this is for you.
Windows 2012 Server Iso image booted on some device or into your virtual machine.
Boot on your Windows Server Image and go to repair setting
Go to Troubleshoot and open the CMD
Make a Backup of Utilman
command: move D:/Windows/System32/Utilman.exe D:/Windows/System32/Utilman0.exe
Replace Utilman.exe with CMD with
coomand: copy D:/Windows/System32/cmd.exe D:/Windows/System32/Utilman.exe
Now reboot on your machine and go to the login page on Windows Server 2012
press Windows + U and will open the CMD on login page
Now write: net user *Username* *password* wihtout this quote and press enter and the password have been replaced