Arkenix a new generation of Open Source encryption tool with multiples layers of Security and his Concept.

3 min readFeb 22, 2021



Welcome to everyone,

First I would like to say that I respect the greatest mathematicians and developers of cryptographic tools and that my mission is not to be better than them, but to make our environment more secure

Today I will present a concept that I have developed from a new generation of open source tool for protecting files. But first let’s go to the reason for the purpose of creation. With the reality getting closer and more comprehensive to the use of quantum computing, I believe that in the next 15 to 25 years or even earlier, quantum computing will be inserted into cyberwarfare by Real State Hackers and the new generation of cybercriminals.
Doing so possibly disabling one of the greatest protections ever creative and secure to date, known as the key created by RSA 4096 bits, some may say that it will resist quantum computing, others will not, so based on that, I took the initiative to create the project Arkenix, knowing or not knowing the uncertainties about the future of cryptography, I, with the free time I have, will take the initiative of this open source project, built in a safe and fully open source language.

Now I will show the encrypt process.

Arkenix Concept

Arkenix have multiples layers of security and will be only able to create a private key for be used to company or his own user.(Files can not be shared)

1º Hardware check.

Arkenix will check your hardware ID before you able to even create a private key, container and encrypt your file.

Ps2: You will be only able to decrypt if the hardware ID match with the hardware ID created on private key.

2º Private key and his encryption

After checked your hardware ID arkenix will be able to create a private key of 8192 bits of his own proprietarion algorithm and with this private key you will be able to create a contanier with finite space size and add your files into container.

Ps: On the creation process of the key you will need to create an 350 word pass for this used to encrypt and decrypt your file. The pass can be put manually or auto generate with our system.

3º File Encryption

Last but not least, after creating the key, when you copy the files to the container, the container itself will be also encrypted with 8192 bits of our proprietary algorithm.

4º Example on flowchart

I hope the flowchart is very explanatory.
It can be a little confusing, but I believe that to understand and this is only the encryption process for the decryption process I will create another Thread.

I know everyone want to know about the algorithm but I just starting and his is on early stage and I can not talk about it yet.

Final Conflusion

This is a big project for me. The biggest I have started so far and I will finish him. I belive with all resource I have right now this will take between 7 at 15 years to be fully developed since this is a initial project.
Stay tuned for future updates.

Best Regard — Luan aka Natsec



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